As it says on the tin.
Going teetotal for a few months, at least until I'm fully clear of the shenanigans going on inside me, so I'm currently having my last beer tonight.
Changing my diet a bit too and for once will be taking the plunge with a 'fad' diet: Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD)
Have read about this a few times and like the look of it and also the obvious differences between that and the super-lethargy inducing Atkins horror show.
My goal is to lose 20lb in 20 weeks as an initial target, with additionals of 28lbs and 35lbs in same time; 35 being my holy grail.
Pam thinks I'm mad but is being her usual supportive self: you'll never manage that [35lbs] in 20 weeks.
She is, however, coming shopping with me tomorrow, which will get interesting.
Off to buy some Thermobol now :-)
Just realised: I'm doing my chilli-glazed pork this weekend, ffs.
ReplyDeleteWill have to make it tomorrow and forego the usual red wine accompaniment.
Ach well, onwards and slimwards.